This Living Room Floor in Cape Coral Got a Full Transformation from Our Tile and Grout Cleaners
June 05, 2024
A homeowner in Cape Coral was set on improving the appearance of her living room floor, but she had to put her efforts on pause after noting a change in the tiles. Her cleaners not only failed at removing the dark stains on the grout; they also adhered to the ceramic until it started taking an artificial-looking sheen. The homeowner wasn't happy with this outcome, but she didn't want to switch cleaners without knowing the effect they would have on the floor.
With this in mind, she figured that having a professional look at her floor was the safest choice, so she started looking for a company that could suit her needs. Her first online search led her to Sir Grout SW Florida and she was immediately impressed by everything she learned about our tile and grout cleaners in Cape Coral. The homeowner browsed our website for a while and completed the form to schedule a visit from our crew.
On the appointed date, our experts went to her house for an in-home evaluation. There, they inspected the living room floor and confirmed that there was a layer of soap residue covering all the ceramic tiles. Between this and the black grout lines, the floor looked several shades darker. Our techs explained that soap-based cleaners may alter the tiles' color after repeated use, on top of creating a foamy film on top of the porous surface, trapping the dirt in place. The most effective way to deal with the issue was with Sir Grout's professional equipment, so our techs explained the process and reassured the client that our methods wouldn't subject the tiles to harsh ingredients. After thanking them for the explanation, she scheduled an appointment to have the floor restored.
Our crew returned later that week, wearing their standard uniform and carrying all the necessary equipment for the job. They started by cleaning the floor with a surface-safe solution that effectively detached all the soapy residue from the tiles. With the help of a high-speed scrubbing machine, our techs also managed to remove all the grime and dirt from the grout. They made sure that nothing remained on the living room floor before beginning the next part of the process.
They applied acrylic-based sealant to all the grout lines to enhance their protection against dirt, liquids, and other external elements. Our flagship ColorSeal provides all the effectiveness you want for high-traffic surfaces where foot traffic is an everyday occurrence. It is also available in multiple colors to ensure that the result looks good in any setting. Then, our techs eliminated the residue and buffed the floor to bring out the ceramic's natural shine.
As expected, the client loved the floor's new look, stating that the grout matched the tiles perfectly and made the room look more spacious. She also promised to tell her friends about our high-quality services the next time she had people over at her house.
Before leaving the client's house, our crew shared some additional cleaning tips. They explained that pH-neutral cleaners are much more effective when it comes to the maintenance of high-traffic surfaces. Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner, for instance, can save you a great deal of time because you can remove the embedded dirt without adding any other product into the mix. This makes it easier to preserve the natural color of your surface since they're not constantly exposed to harsh ingredients. Your floors will look spotless at all hours of the day and you won't have to get used to black spots on the grout.
Our second recommendation is to combine pH-neutral cleaners with non-abrasive tools like a towel or a mop. This will add precision during your cleaning routine without scratching the tiles. Just make sure to wash your tools in between different cleaning sessions to keep the dirt from traveling across different parts of the house.
Lastly, our techs always remind clients to check the room's ventilation at different points of the day. If you sense that the air is becoming stale, opening the windows will improve things, preventing the spread of mold and other signs of moisture buildup.
You can give your floors the perfect makeover! Sir Grout SW Florida is here to meet all your surface restoration needs, and the results will take your breath away. You can count on our specialists if you want to restore the floors in any part of your house, your bathroom surfaces, kitchen counters, and more. Just call (239) 326-0602 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. Also, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.